A gifted story-teller, writer, and leader, Shannon brings all his skills to bear as an influential and impactful speaker, whether he’s sharing his experiences as a transgender man, his insights on the biblical text, or his love of theater that leads to social good. One cannot experience Shannon’s speaking and not leave more inspired, informed, and excited about the world and the future ahead of us.
Shannon gave his “Trans 101” presentation at the intentional community I work for, and it so inspired our community to make changes that we ask him back every year! He breaks down information about trangender people in a way that’s approachable for everyone, no matter their level of knowledge, and is adept at handling difficult questions, with boundaries and patience- a tricky balance! And Shannon provides resources and gently pushes folks to do more than just share their pronouns, but to get involved in the justice work of advocacy.
Shannon is the co-founder of QueerTheology.com. His first book In the Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey With Scripture is published Eerdmaan’s books. He has three books forthcoming: No One Taught Me How To Be A Man: What A Trans Man’s Experience Reveals About Masculinity (Broadleaf), Come and See: An Invitation To A Radical Encounter With Jesus Youth Devotional (Hodder Faith), Reading the Bible Through Queer Eyes (HarperOne, co-written with Brian G. Murphy).
Shannon TL Kearns was a Humanitas New Voices Fellow for 2022 and was a recipient of the Playwrights’ Center Jerome Fellowship in 20/21 and he was a Lambda Literary Fellow for 2019 (in playwriting) and 2022 (in screenwriting) and a Finnovation Fellow for 2019/2020. He is a sought after speaker on transgender issues and religion as well as a skilled facilitator of a variety of workshops.
Selected recognition: Winner of the ScreenCraft Pitch competition, Winner of the New Hope Film Festival for best streaming script, finalist for Bull City Film Festival for his pilot Transformed. Selected to be a playwright in residence at the Inge House, Seven Devils’ Playwright Conference, and Great Plains Theatre Commons. He was a semi-finalist for the O’Neill and a finalist for the Blue Ink playwriting award. Shannon’s plays include The Body’s Rapture, Body+Blood, in a stand of dying trees, Line of Sight, Twisted Deaths, The Resistance of My Skin, and Who Has Eyes To See.
The first explicitly queer Christian movement (now interfaith!), the longest-running LGBTQ+ spirituality podcast, a thriving international community of LBGTQ+ Christians, Jews, spiritual seekers, and allies that is 300+ members strong. Since 2013, our message has reached over 3 million people in over 200 countries. We’ve worked with thousands of queer people to heal from spiritual harm, create meaningful personal practices, and live into their deepest values — whether that’s inside a formal religious structure or outside of it!
Our areas of focus include progressive sexual ethics, polyamory, transgender justice, queer joy, community organizing, and spiritual practice as tools for rest and resistance.
Empathy Into Action uses creativity to educate, build empathy, and enrich communities.
We believe that everyone has a voice and a story and that every person’s voice and story matter. But sometimes we don’t know how to wield our voices and stories effectively. Or we’ve been told for so long they don’t matter and so we stumble when we try to speak.
Through workshops, classes, and presentations, our work focuses on getting storytelling, writing, and speaking skills into the lives of people who often lack access to places where they can learn those skills. People who are incarcerated, transgender youth and adults, and others who have often been excluded from platforms and microphones.